GoldMine Handshake
The Company

   DJ Hunt
   Computerese, Inc

   150 Pratt Road
   Fitchburg, MA 01420

   Voice: (978)342-3333
   E-mail: DJ@DJHunt.US

The Mission

To provide GoldMine® users with low cost, high level technical support for their GoldMine Premium CRM solution.

To provide GoldMine Premium users with low cost, high quality add-in applications.  These applications must address the needs of the end users, and must not duplicate needs that are currently handled in the CRM application.

Special Note

DJs Forum had to be taken down due to SPAM Bots trying to capture the site, and SPAM my participants. I'm very sorry for this inconvenience.

DJ Hunt Retires

After coming up on 30 years of Customer Relationship Management Support, Sales and Development I am finally retiring from all things CRM. I want to thank all of my Clients for your years of supporting dba/Computerese & myself. We've had a great run together, and it is just time for me to bail out of everything GoldMine.

My wife & I are planning some sweet times together, but I'm not leaving you flat. No not at all. If you are looking for a GoldMine Partner in your area you should start here: Find a Partner

Kevin Smith
173 Secord Lane
Burlington, Ontario L7L 2H6


If you'd prefer an Independent then might I suggest: GoldMine Support

Maggie Strevell
Naper Solutions Inc.
2424 Thaxton Court
Naperville, IL 60565


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